Elizabeth's Wanted List

The doll I would most dearly love to find is the 1974 Active as pictured below. Neither I nor any of the collectors I know have ever seen an example of this doll, and it is possible that the doll pictured for the 1974 catalogue and box was a prototype that was never sent to manufacturing. NRFB Active dolls known or presumed to date from 1974, while packaged in a box decorated with pictures of the prototype, were instead wearing the outfit worn by the 1975 Active. Text on the box noted that "This doll may be dressed differently to that shown on the pack." It is possible that the pictured doll was a one-off prototype that was destroyed after photography was done, and that all 1974 Actives are identical to the 1975 and 1976 issue.

My second greatest wish is to find an NRFB Hasbro 1987 Ballerina, as shown below:

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